A rendezvous with Yogidas
Hello there,
Warm greetings ! You must be wondering why have I joined your group ? What got suddenly into me that made me to creat a blog in my name ? Well the answer is time. I have ample time and would like share it with you all. Thats it !
Today I thought that man has got everything in extra , more than he needs. ( Don't worry , I very often think like this.) In my case I have " time". Wondering over the daily events and thinking that everything is just miracle , I came to the conclusion that " Bulla Ki Jana Mai Kaun Hoon" ( Bulla don't know who he is ) is the fact !
Warm greetings ! You must be wondering why have I joined your group ? What got suddenly into me that made me to creat a blog in my name ? Well the answer is time. I have ample time and would like share it with you all. Thats it !
Today I thought that man has got everything in extra , more than he needs. ( Don't worry , I very often think like this.) In my case I have " time". Wondering over the daily events and thinking that everything is just miracle , I came to the conclusion that " Bulla Ki Jana Mai Kaun Hoon" ( Bulla don't know who he is ) is the fact !